Page 8 - INTEK Banking Technologies E-Payment Suite
P. 8

innovative life

                           Core modules func onality

                                ARIAN                             A         A

          OLTP Component                         CMS component                        Perso component

       • All the on-line interfaces         • Customers management                • Full func onal perso Bureau
        • Networks/Hosts/Devices            • Customers / GL Accoun ng            • Magstrip / Chip cards issuance
        • External solu on                  • Product & Services management          and personaliza on
       • Payments hub                       • Fees, Rates, Limits, Cycles         • EMV electrical personaliza on

       • Authoriza on                       • Credit/Debit /Prepaid cards         • Mul ple HSMs support

        • On-line/Stand-in/SAF              • Merchant management                 • Mul ple Embossers support

       • Rou ng                             • Merchant portal                     • All the major chip vendors
       • On-line fees/ limits               • Statements /Repor ng                 support

       • ATM’s /POS/ Kiosk/e-commerce       • Batch processing                    • Global /Na ve pla orms
       • ATM driving and monitoring         • Clearing and Se lement              • Java cards

       • ATM Cash management                • Claims/Disputes management          • Multos

       • On-line Fraud preven on            • Fraud reports                       • Mul  applicatopn cards

        solu on                             • Audit  and Monitoring               • Card profile SDK
       • SMS/E-mail/USSD No fica on

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